Pabda পাবদা (Medium Sized)

Fresh Fish cleaned and packed

₹ 229.00 ₹ 300.00
Quantity : Weight - Gross 650 gram Net 500 gram Weight - Gross 325 g Net 250 g Weight - Gross 1300 g Net 1000 g

Product CodeSF050

Brief Description

Medium-sized Pabda (30-40 pcs per KG)

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Fresh Pabda fish (পাবদা) delivered to your storestep throughout Siliguri town after cutting and cleaning (পরিষ্কার করে ধুয়ে আর কেটে দেওয়া হয়).

Pabda fish holds a cherished place in Bengali cuisine, renowned for its delicate flavour and tender texture. The fish is rich in essential nutrients like protein, vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids. Pabda fish is not only delicious but also offers numerous health benefits. Its mild taste makes it versatile for various culinary preparations, ranging from traditional Bengali dishes to contemporary fusion creations. In Bengal, Pabda is often cooked in mustard gravy (সর্ষে পাবদা) or a tangy tomato-based curry (পাবদা ঝাল), allowing the fish to absorb the flavours of the spices while retaining its natural tenderness. Additionally, it is also fried to perfection, enhancing its crispy exterior while maintaining its succulent flesh. Pabda fish continues to captivate palates across Bengal with its distinct taste and nutritional richness, making it a beloved choice among seafood enthusiasts.

Pabda (পাবদা) is a freshwater fish. Pabda fish are mainly available in Asian countries, especially in Bangladesh, India, Nepal & Pakistan, and some other South Asian countries. It is a type of catfish and is generally found in clean freshwater such as ponds, swamps, paddy fields etc. The fish is small in size and lightweight. The typical Pabda fish weighs 25 to 40 grams a piece.

At Oi Food Pabda fish is available throughout the year.


Pabda Fish cleaned and packed

Licence Number

FSSAI - 22820022000340


Oi Food

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